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Drenched in Colors

The incredible Becky Holt from the United Kingdom returns, this time as a bathing beauty. Watch this tattooed and pierced temptress as she lets the H2O in the Jacuzzi shimmer and slide down the 32B-24-36 curves of her form, bringing a glossy shine to many of the arresting images on her body--like the pirate wench on her right arm, for example. Becky’s drenched not just in water but in colors!

Actually this new Full HD solo girl sex scene visually touches on a very rare fetish, as well as providing yet another glamour porn showcase for the memorable Miss Holt. Can you guess what that fetish is? Hair curlers! There are guys who find a lady in curlers to be a compelling lure indeed, and if you’re one of them, indulge your passion to the fullest with these nude pics and erotic video.

But we here at onebyday provide much more than her curlers for your entertainment. Watch attentively as naked Becky, stretching out her size 6 feet, sits on the edge of the tub putting on lipstick, the classic move required of all femmes fatale! She’ll pull you into her blue-eyed spell!

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